Malga Mortigola

Trekking of Baldo's pastures and flowers. Green trail
Altitude1156 m
FacilityAlpine hut converted into farm holidays centre
Table for picnicsYes
Products saleYes
Water supplyYes
Shelter in case of bad weatherYes
Grazing cattleYes
Panoramic positionNo
Natural elements of interestFlora of the meadows, beech woods nearby

Green trail: Brentonico - Bocca del Creer

© Parco Naturale Locale Monte Baldo

c/o Comune di Brentonico - Via Fabio Filzi, 35 - 38060 Brentonico (TN)

Tel. 0464/399103 - Fax 0464/399120 - E-mail - Posta certificata

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